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BOOKS:  The Homers of Cork Forge; Home Sweet Home; In the Darkness, Shine; Not-for-Sale; Coming Soon: A Cup of Comfort. 

ASTRA FISIC  is a collection of eight short stories.Screenshot 2018-01-26 13.01.37

She is currently working on a new novella, Everyone’s Listening, and has almost finished More Short Stories with Astra Fisic.

Sister Alies (pronounced A-Lee) is a Catholic sister, an avowed solitary with days primarily formed around prayer, art, and writing with a weekly meeting with GIRLFRIENDS for good laughing! She writes mostly spiritual fiction. In her own words, she informs us of her writing life.

“I have been writing for many years but in the last three have published six books of medium length novellas, one book of short stories and an art/devotional (now out of print) with  GIRLFRIENDS. My path to publishing has been a bit mixed, first with TATE who as many will know was not reputable. Then I published with a local publisher who has not continued publishing. For the short stories i did createspace, an OK way but still I am looking for a publisher. Screenshot 2018-01-26 13.01.58

“Each of the novellas forms itself around an issue–i.e., the death penalty, sex-abuse, plight of  the handicapped, racism, and the trafficking of children. Hopefully I have created some interesting characters with a bit of murder, mystery, and even romance. The short stories are fun and feature a recurring character called Astra Fisic, a slightly retired astronomer who always wears a red hat.

“The novellas/short stories are pitched to an easy reading level and might be appropriate for GED/ESL folks as well as others who enjoy an easy read.

“The covers are my work with a little help from a friend who has the program to put it together.

“I see my writing as part of my ministry of prayer and presence, not so much a career, but .a way to bring a slightly different light to some of the concerns we have in the human community.

“I am widely read and continue to re-read classics as well as current works by peers.   This year i particularly loved OPAL by Diane Thomas- Plunk and THE EVIDENCE by Clista Ash (both of whom are Mississippi writers).

“My previous ministry before coming to Mississippi in 2001 was in England, so some of my work is UK flavored. i shall be remaining here as far as i know.

“I particularly love children’s books and have written several but they are not published. i also look to women writers, especially of color, to inform my practice.

“I am also fond of poetry/prose and local culture and cultures all over the world. I am a weekly writer for the CHOCTAW PLAINDEALER,  and I also write for the Mississippi Catholic.”


We are God’s works of art! Eph 2

Peace of Jesus Studio



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